Cuba United Methodist Women

President Janet Calcagno
Vice President Thela Snow
Secretary Sharry Semans
Treasurer Holly Scoville
Secretary of Program Resources
Cheer Chairperson Sue Simmons
Reading Coordinator



The UMW is open to all women who are interested in Christian fellowship. The group has two rummage sales a year to raise money to support both global ministries and the local church. Other activities include planning a Women's Sunday once a year and sponsoring a family at Christmas. Meetings are held on Saturday mornings so that working women can attend and are welcome to bring children. A short program follows brunch. Come and get to know your neighbor!



Dates to remember:

Next Meeting:
No Meetings During this time








Food Pantry Collections

Submitted by Cindy Dutton

On Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of each month, the UMW will be collecting items for the food pantry. Please bring in non-perishable items to help support our local food pantry, located at the First Baptist Church.

We are so fortunate to have a food pantry in our community, and it is because of you that we do! Thanks for your continued support to this all important ministry.




Birthdays     Anniversaries
